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All Saints'

CE Nursery & Primary School

Inspired by christ - Reaching out to all - Being the best we can be

School Council



At our school, the pupils have a strong voice and are CHANGE- MAKERS. 


The school council has representatives from each class who are voted for a year's service to the school. 

Each school councillor represents the views of the class at school council meetings.

We discuss how we can improve our school and make decisions. We are change- makers and contribute to decisions about recruiting new staff, planning charity events, persuading the parent teacher association (ASSA) to fund our ideas.


A very important part of our job is to judge the standards of behaviour and learning throughout the school. 

We conduct regular learning walks and report our findings back to the Board of Governors.

School council are scheduled to meet every 3 weeks with Mrs Panteli.


In their first meeting of the year,

  •  School council discussed the local traffic and parking issues. They have invited councillor Rawlings in to school to discuss this with them.
  • They discusse how the funds raised by ASSA might be spent.
  • Finally, they came up with two suggested names for one of Mr Bridges' sheep. The whole school will now vote on this important issue!