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All Saints'

CE Nursery & Primary School

Inspired by christ - Reaching out to all - Being the best we can be

Governors' Maintenence Fund

All Saints’ is a ‘Voluntary-Aided’ school, which means that the Governors are responsible for financing a percentage of any capital projects to improve or maintain the school buildings and grounds.

Every year, we ask parents to make a financial contribution towards this. With the help of these contributions, we are able to buy in to a scheme arranged by the London Diocesan Board for Schools. This acts rather like an insurance scheme and helps to unlock funding for maintenance of the buildings and capital projects at the school.


The Governors do not ask parents to donate a specific amount, but ask that you give what you can afford, with the hope that everyone will participate according to their means. Please see below information from the Governors pertaining to donations to the school. Thank you.



