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All Saints'

CE Nursery & Primary School

Inspired by christ - Reaching out to all - Being the best we can be

Pupil Premium Support Archive

The Pupil Premium Grant is funding allocated to our school to support children from families who are disadvantaged financially.  Children who come from families in receipt of certain welfare benefits within the last 6 years qualify for this grant.  Children who are looked after by the local authority or recently adopted receive funding also.  This page explains how much money the school receives, how we spend this grant and the impact it has on children from disadvantaged families.


Academic Year 2014/15


Total number of children on roll 255
Number of children eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant or looked after  43
Pupil Premium Grant per child £1300
Grant for Looked after Children £1900
Total Pupil Premium Grant £57800


Nature of the support offered by All Saints'


•Making the school and exciting fulfilling environment where children want to learn

•Employing dedicated teachers and teaching assistants to supplement teaching for disadvantaged pupils

•Tracking pupil progress using latest ICT

•Offering pupils in school and out of school tuition

•Providing extra curriculum trips and school journeys


Expenditure Breakdown

Purchasing the new Cornerstones Curriculum

Enhancing the curriculum

Extra After School Tuition

Tracking Pupil Progress Software

Extended school support

New technology to support learning

School Trips and School Journey

Teaching Assistant interventions

Pupil Premium Teacher Salary

Total Contributions












Impact on Children


Subject Whole School Results Results for children in receipt of pupil premium grant
% Level 4+ in reading 93 100
% Level 4+ in writing 97 100
% Level 4+ in mathematics 93 89
% Level 4+ in English and mathematics 86 89
% Level 5+ in reading 45 33
% Level 5+ in writing 38 22
% Level 5+ in mathematics 45 33
% making expected progress in reading between Key Stage 1 and 2 93 100
% making expected progress in writing between Key Stage 1 and 2 100 100
% making expected progress in maths between Key Stage 1 and 2 93                 88



Academic Year 2015/16


Below is an estimate of our pupil premium funding allocation for 2015/16


Total number of children on roll 275
Number of children eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant  58
Number of children eligible for the Looked After Child Grant 1
Number of children eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium Grant 4
Pupil Premium Grant per child £1320
Grant for Looked after Children £1900
Early Years Pupil Premium Grant £300
Total Pupil Premium Grant £79660


 This year we will spend the grant in the following ways.


1. Tutoring children in Key Stage 2 in English and maths to ensure they reach their full potential

2. Providing pastoral support for children to remove any barriers to learning

3. Tracking pupils progress using ICT

4. Enriching the curriculum to make school and exciting, fulfilling experience

5. Employing dedicated teachers and teaching assistants to support children in class and in small group teaching


Impact on Learning


Area of Learning Whole Class

Children who

receive Pupil

Premium Funding

Reaching the expected standard in reading 79% 57%
Reaching the expected standard in writing 89% 86%
Reaching the expected standard in maths 82% 71%

Reaching the expected standard in

Spelling Punctuation and Grammar

92% 86%
Average Points Score in KS1 (all subjects) 17.5 16.0
Average Scaled Score in KS2 (all subjects) 106 101.1


Academic Year 2016/ 17


Below is an estimate of our pupil premium funding allocation for 2016/17.


Total number of children on roll 281
Number of children eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant 51
Number of children eligible for the Looked After Children Grant 1
Pupil Premium Grant £1320
Looked After Children Grant £1900
Total Pupil Premium and Looked After Children Grant £69220


This academic year we will spend the grant in the following ways.


  • Additional Support in class from teaching assistants (£20,000)
  • Tuition by Teachers during school time (£8,000)
  • Tuition by Teachers outside of school time (£10,000)
  • Tracking Pupil Achievement Software (School Pupil Tracker) (£2,000)
  • Online Reading challenge (Scholastic Pro) and new books for the library (4,000)
  • Online Mathematics challenge (Mathletics) (1,000)
  • Explorers programme of curriculum enrichment for children who receive pupil premium (£2,000)
  • Ipads to ensure all children have access to the latest educational technology (£7,000)
  • Dedicated member of staff (Deputy Headteacher) tracks, coordinates and monitors progress of children who receive pupil premium (£11,000)
  • Subsidy of school journey, clubs and trips to ensure all children have a rich curriculum (£3,000)
  • Mentoring of children who receive pupil premium (£3,000)