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All Saints'

CE Nursery & Primary School

Inspired by christ - Reaching out to all - Being the best we can be

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Board of Governors

Welcome to All Saints’ Primary School Governors’ Page.


The school’s Board of Governors is made up of parents, members of staff and members of All Saints’ Church and the wider community.  In addition, both the Headteacher and the vicar of All Saints’ church sit on the Governing Board.


Governors have an important part to play in providing support and challenge to the school leaders and ensuring that the school meets the needs of its pupils as fully and as well as possible.   Governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school, but rather have a strategic role focused around three main areas. 


These include:

a. Ensuring the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent in the interests of the pupils.


As a Voluntary Aided school, the governors are also responsible for setting and administering the school’s admissions policy, acting as the employer of the school’s staff and ensuring the school is run in accordance with the principles of its foundation i.e. to “preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level”.  Governors are also responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of its pupils and staff.  The school’s Instrument of Government can be found below.



The full Governing Board at All Saints’ usually meets five times a year and focuses on overarching strategic matters.  In addition, there is an Education Committee and a Finance and Resources Committee, both of which meet once a term.  The Education Committee looks in detail at the curriculum, the quality of education, the progress and attainment of pupils and support provided to children with special educational needs.  The Finance and Resources Committee looks at how the school budget is used, ensures value for money is achieved, oversees staffing matters and sees that the school buildings and assets are maintained in good condition.


Governors do not need to educational experts, but they do need to bring enthusiasm and a desire to make a real difference to children’s lives.  The Board functions best when governors are able to offer a broad range of professional skills such as in finance and accountancy, legal knowledge, experience of HR and performance management, health, safety and estate management, procurement, governance and teaching experience in other settings.


If you would like to find out more about the work of the governors, or are interested in becoming a governor yourself, please contact the school office or download the following guide to the role of a school Governor.


Governors can be contacted through the school office as follows:

  • Elaine French, Chair of Governors
  • Jackie Tyler, Vice-Chair of Governors
  • Elaine French, Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • Will Kumar, Governor with responsibility for Health and Safety
Meet the Board of Governors!

Register of Governors Business and Professional Interests

Elaine French (Chair of Governors)  I have twenty years’ experience of teaching, working in a variety of schools in both inner and outer London. My experience includes classroom teaching, special educational needs and as deputy head-teacher.    As an All Saints’ parent I am committed to helping the school continue to progress, ensuring that all children are enabled and encouraged to reach their full potential with opportunities to develop their creative, emotional, social and physical skills as well as academic.


Jackie Tyler (Associate Governor / Treasurer) After 12 years as a Governor at All Saints', I recently ended my term as a Foundation Governor, but have been appointed as an Associate Governor in order to continue sharing my finance experience.  I started my involvement with All Saints’ in 2004 as a parent, and since that time have held many roles at the school including Chair of ASSA, School Office Assistant, Maths Tutor, Treasurer to the Governors, Chair of the Finance Committee and Vice-Chair of Governors.  Even though I have now moved away from the area, All Saints’ remains a very special place to me and I am committed to supporting its mission.  I work as an A Level Maths tutor and enjoy reading, gardening and travelling!

Stuart Olver (Teacher Governor)  I have been a teacher at All Saints' for more than 5 years, having worked with the very youngest children in Nursery to the eldest in Year 6. Originally, I studied Mechanical Engineering and then Computer Science at the University of Leicester before volunteering at All Saints' and then training to be a teacher. Teaching is my passion and I have a strong interests in STEM subjects with an emphasis on Computing. I love history and work closely with the RAF museum as part of their Learning Advisory Group. I grew up in Whetstone and deeply value the sense of community that All Saints' School and Church bring to the local area. In my spare time I enjoy playing tennis, learning languages, reading, learning the guitar and, somehow, also tutoring Primary and GCSE Maths.


Will Kumar (Foundation Governor)  I work for a property development company although the majority of my career has been spent in Town Planning. I am married with a young son. I have lived in the parish since 2011 attending All Saints Church during this time. I am a keen on sport with cycling and football my biggest passions. I am also a qualified referee and I officiate at local youth games.  I am very interested in making a contribution to civic life and playing a role in the local community and feel I have a lot to offer in terms of my experience of life and work.


Deborah Baptiste (Diocesan Governor) I am a teacher with over 20 years teaching experience in Primary schools across different boroughs. I have had the pleasure of working at All Saints, a school that has its own heartbeat. I retired from teaching two years ago to start my own business teaching children computer programming and the early principles of mechanical systems using Lego robotics. I have found the transition from teacher to business owner challenging as there are many times when I find myself wearing my teaching hat instead of my business hat. I really enjoy working with children, watching them problem solve and being creative and inquisitive. 


Hoa Le Minh (Parent Governor) Hoa is a professor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and is the Deputy Head of the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Electrical Engineering at Northumbria University. Hoa has been a part of All Saints' Primary School community for several years and has happily seen his children's growth at the school. Hoa is deeply committed to supporting the school's pursuit of academic excellence and its long-term, sustainable growth.


Clive Richardson (Parent Governor) I have been in the electrical and building business for 25 years. I have a young daughter at All Saints' and I am a trustee of ASSA. I am also involved in All Saints' Church. My interests are football, golf and the history of London. I also enjoy being involved in local community events.


Lone Carstensen (Foundation Governor) I work as a timetabling officer and course administrator at UCL, and before this, I was a PA at an investment bank for many years.  When my daughter was at All Saint’s Primary School, I was an active member of ASSA. I enjoyed getting involved with school activities and fundraising for equipment and improvements around the school.  I hope to help the school continue to provide a supportive, enriching and inclusive environment where all children are encouraged to reach their full potential.


Umeadi Ifeonye (Local Authority Governor) I am a lawyer with 15 years' experience practising in the UK and US. I am passionate about learning and education. In particular, I believe that children should be provided with ample opportunities and the most conducive environment to enable them to learn. I enjoy mentoring children and have been involved in providing formal mentorship for several years.

