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All Saints'

CE Nursery & Primary School

Inspired by christ - Reaching out to all - Being the best we can be

Pupil Premium

In September 2012, the DfE made funding available to allow financially disadvantaged pupils to make accelerated progress compared to their peers.


The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. The children who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding are a diverse group of children with a wide range of abilities, interests and needs. It would be unfair to categorise these pupils as either less able or less motivated. However, national statistics show that this group of children is less likely to leave school with good qualifications. The pupil premium grant is used at All Saints’ to lower the risk that these children will not reach their potential.


The All Saints’ community in Whetstone is very diverse and the difference between the most and the least affluent is greater than in most schools. The barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils include limited access to:


  • rich educational experiences outside school

  • extra tuition where children have not understood something at school

  • access to expensive clubs and activities such as music teaching, adventurous activities


At All Saints’ we use the pupil premium funding to help overcome these barriers.  The report below gives more details about how All Saints' spends the Pupil Premium Grant and the impact it has on children.

Below is a link to more information about the Pupil Premium Funding from the Department for Education.


The impact of our spending on pupil premium is measured in a number of ways:


The achievement of children on pupil premium at the end of each year

The progress children on pupil premium make each term

The effort of children on pupil premium as measured by the class teacher

The engagement of children on pupil premium with extra curricular activities


Pupil Premium funding, spending and impact will next be reviewed in july 2024
